Friday, July 23, 2010

Do Not Mix...

New and old DO NOT mix. I guess it really is that simple.

“Besides, who would patch old clothing with new cloth? For the new patch would shrink and rip away from the old cloth, leaving an even bigger tear than before. “And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the wine would burst the wineskins, and the wine and the skins would both be lost. New wine calls for new wineskins.”
-Mark 2:21-22
I'm so thankful for this reminder...a reminder and maybe even a little bit of a warning.

Thank you for making me new, Jesus. Please stop me from trying to mix the new with the old. You are all that I need.

Monday, July 19, 2010

365 Day Challenge...

I've accepted this 'challenge' via Flickr. It is simply to take one self-portrait everyday for 365 days. Here are the shots from my first week of 365 Days...

"But I'll Always Be The Girl I Am..."
♫Gretchen Wilson - Girl I Am♪

"And That's What You Get For Falling Again...You Can Never Get Him Out Of Your Head..." 
♫Sugarcult - Pretty Girl♪

"You can bury a lot of troubles digging in the dirt." 

"Secrets Got Me Torn Apart, Trying To Destroy My Heart...But I Can See The Light, It's Cutting Through The Night...Everything Will Be Okay..."
♫Fireflight - Stand Up♪

"You See Her Confidence Is Tragic, But Her Intuition Magic..."
♫Train - Meet Virginia♪

"I Was Thinking Just Today About How We Used To Play Barbie Dolls & Make-Up, Tea Parties, Dress Up...Wish We Were Kids Again...My Sister, My Friend..."
♫Reba McEntire - My Sister♪

“So Watch Me Strike A Match On All My Wasted Time...As Far As I’m Concerned, You’re Just Another Picture To Burn...”
♫Taylor Swift - Picture To Burn♪

You can keep up with my 365 Days through my Flickr Photostream or 365 Day Set. :)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Courage Is Not...

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all. From now on you'll be traveling the road between who you think you are and who you can be. The key is to allow yourself to make the journey."
-The Princess Diaries

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Save A Life...

Please take a minute today to help save a life tomorrow.

Vote now and help
the Kristin Brooks Hope Center win up to $250,000 for suicide prevention. 100% of the proceeds will go directly toward creating the first online peer-to-peer crisis network. Vote now to bring the hope and help of 1(800)SUICIDE to the web.

1. Vote online here. (It's free and only takes a few steps.)

2. Personally ask friends and family to vote too.

3. Post a status update on Facebook, Twitter or elsewhere. "Please vote for Kristin Brooks Hope Center to win $250 K for online suicide prevention:

4. You can vote for both the Kristen Brooks Hope Center and Active Minds. (Voting ends July 12th.)


Hey friends...there are lots of new photos up on my Flickr page! Let me know what you think...pretty please! :)

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

The World Has Plans For My Demise...

Underdog - Audio Adrenaline
"...Which Leaves Me
Down On My Knees
Back To The Place I
Should Have Started From

Been Beat Up
Been Broken Down
Nowhere But Up
When You're Face Down
On The Ground..."

Big Dave & The Cat Lady...

I want to introduce you to my friend, Dave. 'Big Dave' hold a special place in my heart, being that he was one of the first guys on the streets that I really got to know. My first couple nights of outreach, I was pretty quiet. But, as soon as I stepped out of my comfort zone and pulled up a milk crate and began asking Dave his story, everything started to change. He was no different than me, or my friends, or my family. He was a beloved child of God, a beautiful person...with a story and dreams and...and, now, he was my friend! 

Dave has been homeless for years and years and has some how survived some pretty situations addictions and heath situations. There is no doubt someone is looking out for him...and we've talked many, many times about how God is not done with him yet. It's a huge encouragement for me to hear him speak those words. I know there have been times in Dave's past where he was seemingly ready to just give up, lay down in his tent beside the river, and just quit. The last few months his attitude has been so refreshing. He has been trying and taking steps toward finding housing and programs to help him with this battle.

A few weeks ago, it seemed like it was never going to quit raining. The rising river forced Dave to leave his camp, the place he's called home for the past couple years. Surprisingly, this didn't effect his hope or positive attitude one bit. He told me that he knew if God ever made him move, it would be for good and he would not be returning to live in that tent. Fortunately, he has been able to stay with a friend the last couple weeks. So, he is off the streets for the time being and is really making an effort to find housing. Please, please pray for Dave to find housing and finally be able to get off the streets for good.   

Now, one thing I forgot to mention...and it may actually add to why Dave is one of my favorites. :) He is a crazy animal myself. He has a beautiful dog, named Bear, and a kitty, named Little Foot. With not knowing where he would be moving or how long it would be before he would be settled again, I got a phone call from a few friends who were helping Dave move his stuff. And...I ended up with Little Foot, who happened to be VERY pregnant. 

Little Foot had NINE kittens yesterday afternoon. They are adorable. This also happens to bring the total number of cats living in my house to...TWELVE! So, my claims to being a 'cat lady' are now a definite truth. ;) 

P.S. If you know anyone looking for a kitten, let me know! Pretty please! They will be ready to go to their new homes the end of August! :)