So, over the past few weeks I've received a couple flyers in my mailbox about some things going on in my neighborhood. There are three different "beautification" or clean-up days throughout the next couple weeks and then there is going to be a big block party! I was so excited to see this, because to me, it meant there are other people close by who actually care about this neighborhood and want to see positive changes made and relationships built. Awesome!
Today was day one of the clean-up. We scrubbed off a lot of graffiti. It was frustrating to see how little respect some people have for the city's property, their neighbor's property, or even their own property. I'm going to assume that since most of the graffiti was cuss words, names, and poorly drawn hands flippin' the bird that it's more a kid- with- nothing- to- do problem or lack-of-parenting-skills problem, rather than a gang issue. As everyone pitched in to scrub guardrails, fences, sidewalks, garage doors, and street signs, we also picked up trash and had someone spraying down poison ivy. It made my heart smile to see a group of seemingly random people each doing their part to help out. I met some really great people and can now say I know a couple more of my neighbors -- that is one thing I miss about my tiny little backwoods town, everyone knew everyone!
Anyways, I'm so glad I made it out this morning and can't wait to see what get accomplished next Saturday! I'm also anxious to learn more about everyone who has been working to plan this -- I'm not sure what the ultimate motivation was, but when people start living lives that are focused on helping others and making a positive difference, I think that opens lots more room for some good 'ol Jesus! Who knows what is going to come of all this, but I'm praying these next few weeks will be used for His glory -- in whatever way He sees fit!
P.S. Friends who don't want to come to my house because you think I live in the super scary just watch out, this hood is going to be looking awfully beautiful! :)
Today was day one of the clean-up. We scrubbed off a lot of graffiti. It was frustrating to see how little respect some people have for the city's property, their neighbor's property, or even their own property. I'm going to assume that since most of the graffiti was cuss words, names, and poorly drawn hands flippin' the bird that it's more a kid- with- nothing- to- do problem or lack-of-parenting-skills problem, rather than a gang issue. As everyone pitched in to scrub guardrails, fences, sidewalks, garage doors, and street signs, we also picked up trash and had someone spraying down poison ivy. It made my heart smile to see a group of seemingly random people each doing their part to help out. I met some really great people and can now say I know a couple more of my neighbors -- that is one thing I miss about my tiny little backwoods town, everyone knew everyone!
Anyways, I'm so glad I made it out this morning and can't wait to see what get accomplished next Saturday! I'm also anxious to learn more about everyone who has been working to plan this -- I'm not sure what the ultimate motivation was, but when people start living lives that are focused on helping others and making a positive difference, I think that opens lots more room for some good 'ol Jesus! Who knows what is going to come of all this, but I'm praying these next few weeks will be used for His glory -- in whatever way He sees fit!
P.S. Friends who don't want to come to my house because you think I live in the super scary just watch out, this hood is going to be looking awfully beautiful! :)
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